Tuesday, February 28, 2012

DAY 28 - Thoughts after 28 days

I began this month with an idea.  Wear the same dress for 29 days to raise awareness about modern-day slavery and human trafficking.  I could not have anticipated the change that I have experienced myself and seen in other people as a result of this idea.

I have had conversations with people from age 4 to individuals in their 70s.  I have shared this knowledge with a doctor, waitress, receptionist, counselor, pastor, librarian, missionary, teacher, social worker, Vietnam veteran, web designer, car salesman, college student, high school student and many other friends and family.  I have not only shared with people in Wisconsin, but individuals in Michigan, Washington, Missouri, Ohio, Alabama, Germany, and Romania now know about this injustice and are sharing with others.

Just the other day at church, my aunt told me that she has already bought some slave free clothes from one of the websites I shared on DAY 8.  She also wants to host a Party with a Purpose in which she will sell jewelry made by former prostitutes in Nicaragua.  Her desire is to take what she knows about modern-day slavery, make changes that reflect that knowledge and share it with others.

I nanny for an almost 5-year-old girl and she has seen me probably about 5 or 6 times throughout this month.  Each time she sees me, she is most interested in the number on my pin.  Each time I ask her if she remembers why I am wearing the pin.  Early on she would shake her head "no".  I was delightfully surprised when one day she asked me, "Is that your slavery dress?"  When I asked her what slavery meant, she was unable to articulate it in her own words.  This past weekend, my roommate and I had a sleepover with her and another young girl, age 7.  The 7-year-old asked about my pin, and my 5-year-old shot up her hand and said, "I know!  Slavery."  When I asked the girl if she knew what slavery meant, again, my 5-year-old excitedly said, "I will tell her!", but when she realized she wasn't able to articulate the meaning, she came over to me and said, "You tell her."  Although she will only see me 1 more day in my dress, I will continue to remind her about slavery even after I'm no longer wearing her favorite pin.  Some day maybe she will be able to share with other friends like she did this weekend, and I'm hopeful that some day she will be able to share the definition of modern-day slavery as well.  

I know there are 2 young adults that I have spoken with that once they learned about the chocolate industry, they are now considering buying only fair trade chocolate.  I will continue to walk with them moving forward and encourage them to be conscious consumers.  Although they have not made the decision to only purchase chocolate that is slave free, I'm praying that they will make that an action step in light of the knowledge they have gained this month.

This journey has been one of discouragement and encouragement...challenge and ease...heartbreak and hope.  I'm thankful to my friend, Jenny Wilhelms, who brought this idea to my attention.  I'm thankful that we could walk this together, but separate, touching so many of the same people but also so many in different circles. 

When I think about wearing different clothes on Thursday, I have mixed feelings.  I am happy to put on clean clothing, but not excited about spending time on deciding what to wear each day.  Although my main goal in wearing the same dress (and shirts and pants) for 29 days was to in a small way experience what it is like to lack choice and control, I am partially disappointed that I have to choose again.  It has brought freedom to not have to "look good" or pick out the stylish outfit that allows me to fit into society.  So in a way, I have experienced the opposite affect of those in slavery.  I'd like to continue lacking choice.  On the flip side, though, I have definitely experienced discomfort and the desire to wash and change my clothes.  Even as I sit here now, I feel like there are tiny bugs crawling all over me.  28 days worth.  Gross.  So, there is a part of me that is thankful to have choice back.  I plan on donating much of my wardrobe in the near future, which will limit my choices.  I'm not sure how far I will go, but part of me wants to give away all but seven outfits, 1 for each day of the week.

This month has forced me to immerse myself in this issue of modern-day slavery.  It has been interesting how often my thoughts are focused on this issue rather than worrying about things like the unknown, uncertainties, the future, what i want but don't have, etc.  It has really put into perspective a philosophy I adopted not too long ago:  FOCUS ON TODAY.  Modern-day slavery is deeply multifaceted and can be very overwhelming, but when I can focus on one day at time, it lessens the burden and allows me to stay grounded.  God gives me just enough light to take the next step, and keeps the rest of the path dark because He knows that if I could see the entire path, I would be too overwhelmed to even take one step.  As I move forward my prayer is to continue focusing on what God has put in front of me each day.   

One of the big questions I have asked myself over the past couple of days is "What can I do moving forward to raise awareness about modern-day slavery now that I'm not wearing a pin that elicits questions?"  I talked to a young woman a couple of weeks ago who suggested putting a pin on my purse.  I might do that.  I will continue to blog and use social media to get the word out about slavery, but how can I share this information with random people like I have this month?  Like the waitress?  or the receptionist at my college?  I know it will require a courage and boldness that comes from God, and I'm confident that He will lead me into some divine appointments, but I'm still pondering my part. 

I still have questions about the best way to be a conscious consumer.  I still have questions about what the best way is to approach the legislative side of modern-day slavery.  I still have questions about what my role will be in the fight against this evil injustice.  As I finish up this month, though, I am much more knowledgeable about this issue and have found God affirming my passion to raise awareness and be involved in the fight to end slavery.  There are a few up and comings that I am involved in that seem to promise more experience with this issue and I'm anxious to blog as I move forward.  Thank you for following this month long journey with me.  Stay tuned for DAY 29, which will be filled with action steps YOU can take to join me in this fight.    

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