Sunday, February 19, 2012

DAY 19 - Stop the DEMAND

Yesterday I said I would share 2 videos from MTV EXIT.  Both specials focus on human trafficking in Asia, but as we know, trafficking happens all over the world including the U.S.  Hear stories of survivors and learn about how DEMAND perpetuates slavery. 

ENSLAVED: An MTV EXIT Special Hosted by Ananda Everingham from MTV EXIT on Vimeo.

"The reason I use the services of a prostitute is because it's easy.  When I go I don't think about where my money goes or if it falls into the hands of traffickers.  I have seen bruises on their bodies, but didn't really know what they were and didn't ask.  If I saw something suspicious, I wouldn't tell anyone."

Traffic: Lucy Liu from MTV EXIT on Vimeo.

Men who DEMAND paid sex perpetuate slavery.
Shared Hope International investigated the commercial sex industry and reports about DEMAND here.  Recommendations for ending DEMAND for commercial sex are noted.  Here are a few highlights:

Awareness and Prevention
  • Awareness and prevention initiatives led by men and directed to men as the primary buyers in commercial sex markets should be bolstered and encouraged.  Shared Hope International’s project The Defenders educates men on the realities and harms of the commercial sex industry and its specific links to sex trafficking.  Would you consider being a leader in this area?

  • Prevention efforts should be designed to target young men in order to prevent them from considering buying sex from girls.  BASICS in Milwaukee is focused on awareness of prevention in this aspect.  Volunteers are needed to walk alongside and disciple middle school and high school students in the inner city.  The goal is not only to teach biblical truth, but also to coach young people about "how to live in this culture as responsible and respectable citizens".  Would you be willing to be a mentor in a young man's life?  


This is my cousin, Gianni, an almost 19-year-old whom I talked about in a previous post.  When he found out about human trafficking, he was "at a loss for words".  Just last night he and his girlfriend, Paige, watched a film called At the End of Slavery.  He is beginning to educate himself about this issue, and has begun his fight against this injustice.  He wants you to know that REAL MEN DON'T BUY GIRLS.  Stop the DEMAND.

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