For $10, you can buy a loved one 2 pairs of beautiful handmade earrings. For $6 you can buy a set of 10 birthday cards. For another $6 you can buy a set of 10 thank you cards. For $22, you are supporting the work of former prostitutes. Some girls were sold into prostitution and other women felt that it was the only way to make money to support their families. Instead of selling their bodies, now these women make and sell these products. 100% of the money made from sales is given back to pay the women who make the earrings and cards. What better way is there to show your love to those in your inner circle and those across the world?
House of Hope is a ministry that is dedicated to restoring the lives of former prostitutes in Managua, Nicaragua. Check out what they are doing here. Also, please pray for a mission team from Wisconsin that is currently down there. You can find updates on that team here.
I was listening to this song and I couldn't help but focus on these lyrics: "Freely we've received now freely we will give." How can you and I give today to help those in slavery?
God loves justice. I love justice. God opposes slavery. I oppose slavery. "Slavery is founded in the selfishness of man's nature — opposition to it, in his love of justice," Abraham Lincoln
Great minds do think alike! =) Love the song. We MUST go. Move us into ACTION. Love what you are doing and love that I'm doing it with you!