When I attended the Human Trafficking training course in November of 2011, I was given a list of 20 clues to help indentify domestic minor victims of sex trafficking. Of course, we need to use wisdom in using these identifiers. For example, just because a child is using drugs or alcohol and is truant from school does not mean that she is a victim of trafficking. Many times, it is the people who see or know these girls in a more intimate context that will be better able to identify her situation. People like teachers, doctors or nurses, therapists, social workers, friends, family members, etc.
1. Hotel room keys
2. Numerous school absences
3. False ID's and lying about age
4. Teen's dating much older, abusive, controlling men
5. Having large amounts of cash, jewelry, new clothes
6. Reccurent STD's or sexually transmitted infections
7. Signs of physical assault including: branding or tattooing, broken bones, black eyes, etc.
8. Disappearing for blocks at a time, Chronic runaway
9. Inconsistenties in stories
10. Restricted and strict communication
11. Substance use and abuse
12. Bruising or injury
13. Exhaustion, fear, anxiety, depression
14. Increase in mental health symptoms
15. Extreme weight loss
16. Lack of knowledge about a given community or whereabouts
17. Needing pregnancy tests frequently
18. Pagers or cell phones not paid by parents or guardians
19. Inability or fear to make eye contact
20. Involved in foster care system and child protective services
If you believe someone you know is a victim of sex trafficking, it is your responsibility to report it. Call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center HOTLINE, 1-888-3737-888. Call specialists are available ALL the time. All reports are confidential.
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