Tuesday, February 21, 2012

DAY 21 - Thoughts after 21 days

More Encouraged.

On Sunday at church several people asked about my pin.  Jenny gave our blog addresses to a sweet gentlemen who was interested in exploring the issue of modern-day slavery.  After talking to him, I heard a young woman ask, "What's DAY 19?"  I heard a response from the other young adults standing next to her:  "Human trafficking".  I was wondering how they all knew since none of them had asked me about my pin.  Later a friend reminded me that I have my blog posted on Facebook, so that must be how they know.  After she heard her friends' answer, Steph, my new friend who loves justice, then turned to me, and asked the same question.  She wanted to know more.  I told her about my dress project and about my passion to put an end to slavery.  I also invited her to a meeting at our church for people interested in collaborating to free the 27 million slaves in the world today.  FREE27 is a grassroots campaign that is creating awareness and taking action to free the slaves.  She and I, along with about 10 other people sat around a table last night and discussed how we can best raise awareness about modern-day slavery, create partnerships with other organizations that are in the fight as well, and provide aftercare for victims.  We are just in the beginning stages, but the passion, drive and giftings around that table are God-given and change is on the way.  Please pray for FREE27.  For wisdom, guidance, continued passion and drive, connections with other organizations, finances, leadership, etc.

A couple of Sundays ago I was able to talk to my Aunt's boss, and he was very interested in this issue.  I gave him my blog address and a few days later, he emailed me.  Here is his encouragement to me:

"I'm still appalled that there are over 20 million slaves in the world. Most people, including me, consider slavery a thing of the past. I applaud your effort of creating awareness for such a hideous practice. Maybe in some way, small or large, your effort will influence the eventual eradication of it.  Best of luck in your endeavor over the next 14 days. It's people like you, who are passionate about a cause, who help change the world!"

You can help change the world too by raising awareness about modern-day slavery.  Please pass on this blog to at least one of your friends, and ask them to pass it on to one of their friends.

More balanced.

Last night when I sat around the table brainstorming about how to move forward with FREE27, I was able to recognize very quickly that my passion for modern-day slavery is strong, but I also need to focus on what God has placed in front of me these next couple of months:  finishing graduate school.  I'm looking forward to throwing myself into this campaign, but at the same time know that it would not be wise to do that until May.  Once my dress project is finished, I will continue to raise awareness, research, share what I am learning, and be involved with FREE27, but at a much slower pace than this month.  Then when I pass my comprehensive exam, I will be free to put more energy and time into this important endeavor.   


I have worn the same clothes for 21 days.  DAY 18 was the first day I really didn't want to put on my dress.  It felt a little gross.  When I tell people that I haven't washed the clothes on my body for 3 weeks, most of them try to encourage me by saying things like, "Well, at least you are showering" or "A little perfume goes a long way" (I am not using perfume this month, by the way), and I can tell they want me to keep my distance.  BUT my friend, Sarah, came up to me on DAY 15 and didn't hesitate to give me a big hug.  Her comment:  "You smell like deodarant."  :)  Thank you Lady Speed Stick.  Today, this precious baby spit up on my dress.  A lot.  I'd like to say that as I was telling her about slavery, she was so disgusted she hurled all over.  Maybe in a few years she'll understand what slavery means.  At any rate, I guess I'm going to smell like formula for the next 8 days...


  1. wow, awesome to hear that a group is starting up around this! there is nothing more powerful than a group of like-minded individuals uniting in thought and deed, especially if they are aligned with the heart of our all-powerful God! may He move mightily among you.

  2. Oh wow. I read this before you posted that baby thing. I will still hug you. You can do it! =)
