Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring into being a Concious Buyer

I'm looking for a spring jacket.  I want it to be made by someone who was treated fairly and is given sustainable wages.  This might be a challenge.  Not only are these jackets hard to find, but I am unusually small in stature, so many times I don't fit into "normal" sizes.  My search started at Fair Trade for All.  They have some really cute clothes, but unfortunately nothing that fits my need for an extra small semi-dressy spring jacket. 

Gail, my new friend who you see above, steered me toward a couple of other stores, one that carries handmade items by independent designers from around the United States and Canada and one that is a resale store.  For several years, I have been buying much of my wardrobe from resale/thrift stores.  My goal is to be a concious buyer of my clothing whether it be through second-hand clothes or through clothes that have been made in fair working conditions. 

Here are a couple of sites that have cute and affordable clothing among other things. 


The Hunger Site

This month I am focusing on going through my closet.  After wearing a dress for 29 days, I realized there is no need to have the amount of clothes that I have, so one of my action steps, along with being a concious buyer of my clothing, is to give my excess clothing to those in need.  I know my friend, Jenny, is focusing on this as well, and my Auntie is passionate about giving her clothes to a woman's shelter in greater Milwaukee. 

I am embarrased to say that this is my closet...

and this is the other half...

Moving forward, my goal is to commit to buying only the clothing I need, and all I need right now is a spring jacket...maybe.

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